Sunday, September 27, 2009

Missing Missouri

I have been here almost 2 months so I think I will talk about the things I have been missing. I know..I totally didn't finish the story about how my weekend in Guadalajara went, but for you to hear it is not nearly as exciting as being there was :) And plus, there are pictures..those tell somewhat of a story themselves. And I actually ended up going to Puerto Vallarta for the weekend instead of Ixtapa and was so much fun minus the 10 hour bus ride there, and another one back! But going by bus is soooo cheap.

I actually received my first piece of mail the other day, I was so excited because I rarely receive mail in the US..let alone Mexico. It was from Ross! Good job dude..I loved it!

Okay list time!!
Things I am missing here in Mexico..
1. My family - This will be like my first semester away from home, like a real college student so I am missing my family a lot (I maybe be getting the freshman 15 now too, the food is just too amazing )
2. My friends - I wish you guys were here with me, it would make my experience here that much more amazing!
3. My bed - I appreciate its comfort so much now :)
4. My car- oh geez, i just can't get up and go some where like have to plan so far ahead, such I need to call a taxi, what bus do I need to take, how long is it going to take me to walk there, I know, I sound so lazy but come on, we all love those things that make things easier- One day we were talking about drive thru windows at the bank, and all the kids from Europe were like what, you guys can just drive thru the bank, you are so lazy! So I am not the only one..
5. Grits - I have actually been googling today to see if I can find it any where here in Mexico and it seems like not only in Mexico is it hard to find, someone googled, Where can I find grits in New York? Why would anyone live there now.. Hopefully I will have a good welcoming of grits when I arrive back in the bootheel.
6. Carpet- I haven't seen any yet in mexico, no matter how much we clean the floor at my house I still have to wear flip flops around the house or else my feet would be dirty by the end of the carpet would be nice.
7. Country Music- It is actually a little bit better now because I finally have internet and cable and the cable tv here actually has,.. yeah but no one here likes country music..even the other Americans. Booooo..
8. THE CARDINALS - It was pretty evident that there were going to the playoffs but they finally got in last night, so that is exciting, what is NOT exciting is that I will be thousands of miles away WHEN the cardinals go to the World Series!!

Don't get my wrong, I miss all these things but I do love it here in Mexico, I am so thankful that I wake up every day and have the opportunity to speak in spanish.


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